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Bruton and Cary Deanery
Synod Meetings 2018 - 2020

See below for details of the Synod Meetings held in from 2018 to March 2020.


For details of more recent meetings click on the "Deanery Synod" tab above.

July 2018 Deanery Synod

The July Deanery Synod was held in Wincanton Methodist Church on Thursday July 19th 2018.  Revd Tina Hodgett, the Diocesan Evangelism and Pioneer Team Leader, led the opening worship and then spoke about pioneer ministry and the Diocesan Pioneer Project with the aid of a Powerpoint presentation and group discussions.  Tina's presentation can be downloaded (see opposite) as can the impressions of a new member of Synod, John Deverell from Upton Noble.   


At the end of the meeting the Rural Dean gave an update on the Deanery Mission Plan which can be downloaded from the Mission Plan page.


The Rural Dean also noted that the Deanery had elected two lay representatives to Diocesan Synod - Rob Sage of Evercreech and Jane Jeanes of Henstridge.  There were still vacancies for four clergy representatives and a further four lay representatives and volunteers to fill these vacancies were called for.  


The Lay Chair gave a brief report on the July Diocesan Synod, noting that Deanery Lay Chairs had been renamed Lay Deans and that Rural Deans were now Area Deans.  The name changes were intended to reflect the increased roles of the Deanery leadership.   


Download the Presentations and Reports

The Agenda for the

July Deanery Synod

The Minutes of the

July Deanery Synod

Powerpoint Presentation

on Pioneer Ministry

by Revd Tina Hodgett

Report on the July Synod

by John Deverell, newly elected member for Upton Noble

General Synod Report

February 2018

Deanery Synod Plus

There was a very good attendance for the special Deanery Synod Plus meeting held in All Saints Church, Castle Cary on Monday February 19th 2018.  After a short business meeting to approve the Deanery Annual Report and Accounts and to set the Deanery Subscription for the coming year, excellent refreshments were provided by members of the parish of Castle Cary and Ansford.


Members of the Alham Vale benefice led the opening worship for the main meeting, which consisted of a series of presentations.  The Deanery Lay Chair outlined how the Deanery Mission Plan had been put together.  Revd Tristram Rae Smith from the Camelot Parishes explored his thinking on supporting lay ministry in the Deanery and the Lay Chair gave a brief presentation on the new Deanery website.


Bishop Ruth then presented the Diocese's journey towards its destination of seeking to be God's people living and telling the story of Jesus and how it would seek to support the Deanery in its implementation of its Mission Plan. 


Copies of the Powerpoint Presentations used during the evening can be downloaded opposite.


The Minutes of the

February Deanery Synod

Download the Presentations

Opening Worship led by members of the Alham Vale benefice.

How the Deanery Mission Plan was developed by members of the Deanery Mission Planning Group.

Exploring and Supporting Lay Ministry - a presentation by the Revd Tristram Rae Smith.

A short presentation on the new Deanery website. 

Bishop Ruth's presentation for Bruton and Cary Deanery Synod Plus. 

March 2020 
Deanery Synod

The March 2020 Deanery Synod met on Tuesday March 3rd in North Barrow Village Hall.  The speaker was Gary Watson, the Diocesan Giving and Funding Adviser.  We also welcomed the new Area Dean, Revd Kevin Rogers, and the new Assistant Area Dean, Revd Tristram Rae Smith.


Copies of the slides used in the Giving Review Presentation by Gary Watson can be downloaded below:

Download the Agenda and Minutes

The Agenda for the

March 2020 Deanery Synod

The Minutes of the

March 2020 Deanery Synod


Deanery Synod

Annual Report and

Accounts 2019

Diocesan Synod Reports

July and October 2019

November 2019 

Deanery Synod

The November 2019 Deanery Synod met on Tuesday November 12th in Wincanton Methodist Church.  The speaker was Jay Greene, a General Synod Member and a Church Commissioner.


Copies of the Powerpoint presentations on the General Synod and on the Church Commissioners produced by Jay Greene can be downloaded opposite.








Download the Agenda and Minutes

The Agenda for the

November Deanery Synod

The Minutes of the

November Deanery Synod

Powerpoint Presentation on the General Synod


Powerpoint Presentation on the Church Commissioners

July 2019 Deanery Synod

The July Deanery Synod took place on Thursday July 4th in Wincanton Methodist Church and was a summer celebration of the Deanery.  

Download the Agenda and Minutes

The Agenda for the

July Deanery Synod

The Minutes of the

July Deanery Synod

February 2019 

Deanery Synod

The February Deanery Synod met on Wednesday February 27th in Wincanton Methodist Church.  The speaker was James Fox-Robinson, the Diocesan Prayer and Spirituality Enabler who addressed the question of "What is Spirituality?"  


Download the Agenda and Minutes

The Agenda for the

February Deanery Synod

The Minutes of the

February Deanery Synod

November 2018

Deanery Synod

The November Deanery Synod met on Wednesday November 14th at 7.30pm in Wincanton Methodist Church.  The speaker was Julia Hill, the former Diocesan Lay Ministries Developer.


Download the Agenda and Minutes

The Agenda for the

November Deanery Synod

Minutes of the

November Deanery Synod

Minutes of Previous Synods

The Minutes for the Deanery Synod held on Monday 13th November 2017.

Bruton & Cary Deanery Annual Report

The Deanery Annual Report and Accounts for 2017.

Bruton and Cary Deanery

Visitors from January 2018:

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